
Snowboarding Beginners:7 Tips for Learning to Snowboard

Just like surfing in the icy white tide, snowboarding is a great way to play and exercise during the cold winter months. It can take you to some of the most spectacular places on earth. When flying on snow-covered slopes on skis, there is hardly anything exciting and stimulating adrenaline, especially when it is covered with two feet of fresh powder. But before you reach this point, you still have a long way to go. Yes, what do you need to pay attention to for beginner skiers?

1. Wear the right clothes
You need to wear the right clothes to go skiing. Even if you are in the snow dome, it is still cold, so you should dress it properly.

Put on the thermal base in the upper and lower halves and put on the jumper. Make sure you are wearing the right snowboard jacket and snowboard pants. These will be wind and waterproof to prevent you from getting cold and wet on the slopes.

2. Wear safe gear
A quality-assured helmet and full set of gears are the most needed equipment for any skier. Because you can never predict what kind of posture will fall in the next second, and when the uncontrolled skier rushes to you, the protective gear on your body may be your last protection. A set of protective gear may not make your skiing process "painless", but it can guarantee you "no injury" to the greatest extent, and can save lives at critical moments.

3. Get a professional course

When learning how to ski, you have three options. You can try self-study, let friends tell you the ropes, or get a professional course. The first option doesn't work and you will spend more time frustrating because you don't know how to ski properly. The second option may get you started (but may not give you the necessary skills and skills). The third option is the best choice because if you want to reach a suitable standard, you need to have a good understanding of the right form and technology.

4. Don't go snowboarding alone

You should never go out as a novice snowboard yourself. Even if there are other people on the slope, you need a nearby friend, partner or coach to follow you and become your "partner." I hope that nothing happens, but it is better to be safe than to be sorry.

5. Maintain a good attitude

Snowboarding is not the most difficult sport in the world, but it does require some persistence to move on and to experience a fall in the first few days. Every snowboarder will experience, don't be afraid to fall.

6. learning PISTE symbols

All slopes on the hill will be graded to indicate if they are suitable for beginners. The green slope is the easiest ski slope and is perfect for ski beginners. They are usually very flat and slightly tilted.

The blue slope is the next slope. They are slightly steep and are a good tilt that will allow your skis to be upgraded from beginner to intermediate.

Not every country mark a red slope. They are included in the French system but not included in North America. The red slope is a difficult blue slope. These are often quite steep with moguls occasionally.

The black slope is the hardest. They are steep and often bumpy and are usually reserved for experienced snowboarders.

7. Don't wear headphones

It’s exciting to listen to the clogged sound while carving your way on the slope. Most snowboarders like to wear snowboarding headphones. This is double entertainment. However, this is only possible when the snowboarding level is at a higher stage. Beginners need to be highly focused on current activities, so pay attention to what you are doing!


What Do You Wear When Snowboarding?

Snowboarding is a winter sport and a favorite in several countries.

The expanse of snow, seamless slides, clever turns, and small jumps makes for a perfect Sunday getaway. Especially wearing snowboarder headphones, carving your own path, isn't that wonderful?

Many beginners will say, what should I wear for skiing or snowboarding? You should have guessed what we're going to say! YES, This guide is designed to help you understand what you need to wear while snowboarding.

What do you wear when snowboarding?

Stylish clothing features comfortable, warm clothing when you plan to hit a sloping slope. Lightweight clothing, jeans are not a must-have for ski backpacks. Snowboarder, the types of clothing required to complete a full range of skis include:

1.Snowboarding boots
These special boots will bind you to your board. You can also rent at the resort, but it is not recommended. Ski boots are designed to fit your feet, so having your own pair will make you more comfortable. The specifications for snowboard boots are common, but they can vary by company. Your boots should be comfortable, but don't be too nervous to limit.

2. Snowboarding socksSnowboarding socks are essential because they are designed for skiing and snowboarding. These socks reduce the friction around the ankles, which reduces the formation of blisters. They also keep you warm compared to cotton socks and wool socks because they absorb moisture and sweat and keep your feet dry and warm. Only wear a pair of socks, double your socks will cause them to bundle up and cause blisters.

3. Snowboarding Pants - Wear waterproof pants. Take snow pants as an example, they can protect against moisture and cover the boots. Under the waterproof pants, wear absorbent pants like leggings and sweatpants. Avoid wearing jeans at all costs. Jeans are made of a rigid material that, when combined with waterproof pants, can feel stiff and prevent you from moving and turning the slope.

4. Snowboarding Gloves - Insulated and waterproof ski gloves are also important. Your hands will come into contact with snow regularly so these special gloves will protect your hands. Wool or cotton gloves do not give you the warmth you need.

5. Snowboarding Jacket - Windproof or waterproof jacket or jacket to keep you dry and warm.

6. Base layer - This is an insulating layer that helps regulate body temperature. As with socks, it is recommended to use a wool base to protect the skin from moisture and keep it warm and dry. The main types of base layer include top, bottom, and single piece. Depending on the conditions you are riding, your needs will be determined. Consider a lightweight base layer for mild conditions and a medium to a heavy basis for colder conditions.

7. Snowboarding Goggles - Ski goggles help to combat glare and protect your eyes from snow and wind.

8. Snowboarding Helmet - your brain is the most important organ in your body, so wearing a helmet should be an easy decision. Wear a ski helmet to keep you safe and warm. If you don't have a helmet, the resort will have a variety of rental options to ensure you find the right one.

Choosing the right ski equipment or skis will greatly help a very pleasant time on the slopes. Now that you know what to prepare, pick up your gear the next time you're ready to go snowboarding.


Do You Know The Story of Snowboarding?

For ski beginners, snowboarding is simply too handsome! Those cool skiing moves catch people's eyes. You can even see some people with snowboarding headphones on at the ski resort, isn't that cool? So, do you know how snowboarding has developed all the way? Today, let's discuss the story behind the board.

1. Origin: Snurfer 

In 1965, Michigan-based engineer dad Sherman Poppen hand-customized a big toy to his baby daughter. He fixed a pair of snowboards together so that the daughters could stand on it and slide down the hillside. He tied a rope to one end of the snowboard and held the rope to control the speed and direction of the snowboard. Sherman's wife, Nancy, gave the toy a name called snurfer, a combination of snow and surfer.

Such a fun thing, how can daughters not like it! Soon, snurfer was very popular in the circles of Sherman's daughters. The savvy dad immediately realized that there was a huge business opportunity, so he licensed the creative packaging of snurfer to the ski manufacturer Brunswick, and in just one year, Brunswick sold more than 500,000 snurfer.

In a blink of an eye, in 1968, snurfer had already spread throughout the United States. So Sherman Poppen organized the first snurfer contest in history at a ski hotel in Michigan. This game has attracted countless fans around the United States who are keen on snurfer.

There is a young man named Tom Sims in the contestants. Don't underestimate him. He is a skateboarder. Tom, who lives in Hardenfield, NJ, handcrafted a snowboard in the eighth grade. It's actually very simple. He stuck the felt on the board and stuck the aluminum sheet under the board. Tom began mass production of this snowboard in the mid-1970s. Under the promotion of the mainstream magazine Newsweek, Tom's snowboard quickly became popular among young people who love outdoor sports.

Those who love to explore new skiing are more than just young Americans. In 1976, Welsh skateboarders Jon Roberts and Pete Matthews also invented their first snowboard and played a bit of fun at the local ski resort.

2. Modern veneer: Burton  

Jake Burton Carpenter, a young man from the state of Vermont, loves snurfing since he was 14 years old. For people like him, going to Michigan for a pilgrimage is essential. After seeing crowds in Michigan, Jake felt that their fixtures were not good enough, and he wanted to make himself a safer holder. In 1977, Jake Burton Carpenter founded Burton Snowboards in Londonderry, Vermont, to produce safer snowboards. Burton's snowboard is made of wood and is more flexible and can be used for skiing and skiing. Although Burton's snowboard was rarely asked at first, it did not prevent it from becoming the world's largest snowboard manufacturer in the future.

The inaugural National Snurfing Champions League was held in Muskoka, Michigan, the first snurfing competition with bonus support. In 1979, Jake came from Fremont with his own snowboard. Many people protest that Jake is not using snurfing snowboard, but Paul Graves and others support Jake. The organizing committee of the competition specially opened an open group to people like Jake to play, and Jake finally won the single champion. This competition is also considered to be the first game in the history of snowboarding.

In the 1970s and 1980s, as the veneer became more popular, there were more and more people like Jake. They have set up companies to produce their own better ski equipment, and snowboarding has entered a period of rapid development.

3. Gradually being officially recognized 

In 1981, the King of the Mountain Snowboard Grand Prix was held at the Ski Cooper ski resort in Colorado. Tom Sims mentioned above also participated in this competition.

In 1982, the nation's first snowboarding competition was held in Woodstock, Vermont. The competition was organized by Paul Graves mentioned above, and the final winner was Doug Burton of Burton.

1985, the first World Cup of Snowboarding was held in Ziers, Austria, which consolidated the international official understanding of snowboarding as a competitive sport.

In the following decade, various snowboarding organizations of various sizes have been established. During the 2009-2010 season, there were 8.2 million snowboarders in the US and Canada alone, and they are still growing at a rate of 10% per year. Snowboarding contributes more than 30% of participation in all snow projects.

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